Trisha’s Horror film “Nayaki” Releasing on July 15 2016
Trisha Krishnan’s bilingual horror film ” Nayaki” is releasing on July 15 2016. Film Directed by Govi
Trisha Krishnan’s bilingual horror film ” Nayaki” is releasing on July 15 2016. Film Directed by Govi
It is unfortunate that Non Kannada Films “Darbaar” for Sankranthi in Karnataka & no new Kannada films is releasing for festival with big competitions and all screens dominated by these other Languages Huge Stars. Even Sad is that Rakshit Shetty’s Starer Kannada film “Avane Sriman Naryana ” running successfully with record breaking collections in its third […]
“The Poster ” Bangladeshi short film around 15.32 duration Produced and Directed by Ahsif Khan making news and winning thunder applause where ever its getting screened. So far film has made entry into 41 various film festivals and forums and won 18 awards so far. The Short film is based on the Story written by […]
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