Inauguration of DSIR-CRTDH Conclave-2024 on 13th November 2024

The Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR) is mandated to promote, develop, utilize, and transfer indigenous technology, with a mission to stimulate industrial research in the country, foster an environment conducive to innovation, and drive the development and application of new technologies. In line with this mission, DSIR has been implementing the “Common Research and Technology Development Hubs (CRTDHs)” program, designed to encourage Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) to conduct industrial R&D and innovation activities while strengthening R&D infrastructure in Public Funded Research Institutions (PFRIs). Recognizing the vital role of MSMEs in India’s economy, this program focuses on building R&D infrastructure to support scientific advancements, technological innovation, and socio-economic growth.

The CRTDH program, launched in 2014-15, has now reached its 10th year, successfully supporting 18 CRTDHs across the country. These hubs have made remarkable achievements and generated inspiring success stories among stakeholders, advancing the vision of “Atma Nirbhar Bharat” and reinforcing the momentum of the “Vocal for Local” movement. It is essential to showcase these sustained achievements to a wider range of stakeholders, including those not yet part of the CRTDH network. In this spirit, DSIR is organizing the DSIR-CRTDH Conclave 2024 on November 13-14 at CSIR-IMMT in Bhubaneshwar, where all 18 CRTDHs will participate and present their accomplishments over the two-day event. This gathering will foster collaboration with a broader range of stakeholders, unlocking the vast potential of underutilized resources. DSIR has previously held three successful conclaves: at CSIR-Centre for Cellular & Molecular Biology (CCMB), Hyderabad in 2019; CSIR-Indian Institute of Toxicology Research, Lucknow in 2022; and IIT Gandhinagar in 2023.

The DSIR-CRTDH Conclave 2024 will begin on November 13, 2024, with a welcome note by Dr. Ramanuj Narayan, Director of CSIR-IMMT Bhubaneswar. The inauguration will be led by Dr. N. Kalaiselvi, Secretary, DSIR & Director General, CSIR, who will also deliver the inaugural address. The conclave will feature addresses from Dr. Vipin C. Shukla, Scientist G & Head-CRTDH, DSIR, Shri Hemant Sharma, IAS, Principal Secretary of the Micro, Small & Medium Enterprise Department, Government of Odisha, Smt. Pranati Chhotray, IAS, Director of Handicrafts, Government of Odisha, and Shri P.K. Gupta, Director of the Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises Development Institute, Cuttack, Ministry of MSME, Government of India.

The event will also include the inauguration of an exhibition showcasing products and prototypes developed by various CRTDHs, along with MSMEs and start-ups incubated at these hubs. In addition to displaying posters, the exhibition will highlight the achievements and activities of the CRTDHs. This exhibition will provide an opportunity for participants to learn about the accomplishments of different CRTDHs and offer MSMEs/start-ups the chance to interact with other CRTDHs also with whom they may not currently be associated with.

Total four technical sessions will be conducted during two days’ event, which will have detailed deliberation on the challenges, learning, and success stories of different CRTDHs and MSMEs associated with them. Each session will have keynote address of an eminent expert and will continue with experience sharing by CRTDH PIs and MSMEs. The Conclave will follow with formulation of action items for various stake holders.Dr. Suman Mazumdar, Scientist -E, DSIR&Coordinator for Conclave 2024, will extend vote of thanks.

The event will be attended by DSIR officer Dr Ranjeet Bairwa, Scientist E and Member Secretary – CRTDH and Dr. Yatendra S. Chaudhary, Senior Principal ScientistPI of CRTDH, CSIR-IIMT, Bhubaneswar, representatives from Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) and start-ups and industry associations to explore the benefits of CRTDH in their R&D endeavors.



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