India’s participation in various Side-events during CoP29 UN Climate Change Conference at Baku, Azerbaijan

India collaborated with various agencies to organize side events on several aspects of climate action during the CoP29 UN Climate Change Conference at Baku, Azerbaijan, from 11th-22nd November, 2024. India participated in these side events and shared experiences/initiatives to deal with the climate challenges. India effectively articulated and showcased its commitment to climate action and various initiatives being taken at the international as well as domestic level.

The important side events include the following:

Integrating Disaster Resilient Infrastructure into the Adaptation Strategies, 13.11.2024 (CDRI Pavilion)
Organizers: Govt. of India (MoEFCC) and Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure (CDRI)

The session was designed as a panel discussion to explore key approaches, challenges, and opportunities for integrating disaster risk reduction (DRI) into national adaptation strategies, offering a pathway toward more resilient and sustainable development. The panel deliberated on how countries can better assess infrastructure vulnerability in the face of changing climate risks, how DRI can be embedded into national adaptation strategies and long-term development goals, innovative financing mechanisms, collaboration among stakeholders to advance DRI.

It was highlighted with 88 per cent of all adaptation costs attributed to infrastructure, holistic and integrated approaches to resilient and climate-compatible infrastructure development will play an increasingly critical role in strengthening the global climate adaptation agenda. Investing in resilient infrastructure not only mitigates risks but also yields significant long-term benefits, including sustainable growth, environmental sustainability, and improved quality of life.

CDRI’s initiatives, such as the Infrastructure for Resilient Island States (IRIS), the Global Infrastructure Resilience Initiative (GIRI), and targeted efforts for critical infrastructure resilience, are actively assisting countries with technical support, data, and tools for resilience building.

LeadIT (Leadership Group for Industry Transition) Member Meet, 14.11.2024 (India Delegation Office)
Organizers: Govt. of India (MoEFCC), Govt. of Sweden, with support from Leadership Group for Industry Transition (LeadIT) Secretariat

The purpose of the meeting was to interact with the members to understand their experience with LeadIT so far and how that can be made effective.

State Secretary (Sweden) highlighted the importance of this partnership for Sweden. The Swedish companies are keen to engage in India in view of the massive growth potential in India and the conducive environment for start-ups to grow. Trade with India is growing at 15% every year and the cooperation between countries is expected to bring prosperity to both the countries.

India highlighted that it gives equal value to this partnership. This platform can play a significant role in overcoming these challenges. The members of LeadIT should serve as the lighthouse for the rest of the industry.

The LeadIT Secretariat stressed that the group is expanding and changing with addition of each member.

The members including Dalmia, SSAB, Vattenfall, Tata Motors, SAIL, Tata Steel highlighted technological challenges they face and recommended the areas of cooperation. Dalmia highlighted that two technological challenge it faces are to capture the CO2 from the process and electrifying the process. SAIL made a detailed presentation on the initiatives they are taking for the low carbon transition. They are looking forward to collaborating on hydrogen based DRI, CCU, dry beneficiation of low and tailing grade iron ore, and biomass consumption pathways.

Tata Steel mentioned that Indian steel industry needs to grow as well as reduce emissions. It is important to address the issue at the value chain level, therefore presence of consumers in the group is very encouraging. It is important for new pilots and demonstrations projects. Tata motors highlighted challenges like high pressure refuelling for the automotive sector. Collaboration with the steel industry can help the automobile sector.

India-Sweden Industry Transition Partnership (ITP) – Road to Belém, 16.11.2024 (Swedish Pavillion)
Organizers: Govt. of India (MoEFCC), Govt. of Sweden, with support from LeadIT Secretariat

At CoP28, Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra Modi and Prime Minister of Sweden, Ulf Kristersson had launched the India-Sweden Industry Transition Partnership (ITP) as part of the LeadIT initiative. The Prime Ministers committed to return to CoP30 in Belém to deliver tangible results under this partnership. With one year to go, this side-event provided an opportunity to take stock of progress made under the India-Sweden ITP and highlight the links to its sister partnership, the Brazil-UK Industry Decarbonisation and Hydrogen Hubs.

The panel discussions showcased progress under India-Sweden ITP and ongoing political commitment, highlighted links between the India-Sweden ITP and the Brazil-UK Hubs and served as a springboard towards a CoP30 moment with leaders and stakeholders.

Unlocking Investments for Climate Resilient and Sustainable Infrastructure in Small Island Developing Started (SIDS), 18.11.2024 (CDRI Pavillion)
The side-event facilitated two segments, the first segment included a keynote address from MoEFCC and high-level statements as well as a conversation/discussion on identified questions with representatives from SIDS and from the IRIS donor group. The second segment showcased CDRI’s Infrastructure for Resilient Island States (IRIS) initiative as a pathway for SIDS to access finance, knowledge, tools, and partnerships for resilient infrastructure leading to sustainable development and enhanced liveability for all.

It brought together stakeholders from SIDS and donors to deliberate on collective actions and multilateral cooperation to strengthen the enabling environment for disaster and climate resilient infrastructure in SIDS, especially access to climate finance. The discussions will focus on the need for a shift in the climate finance landscape, including the criticality of unlocking adaptation finance, to better align with and respond to SIDS’ needs and unique vulnerabilities.

The Indian Ocean islands are covered under the Security and Growth for All in the Region (SAGAR) initiative; SIDS in the Pacific Ocean are part of the Forum for India-Pacific Islands Cooperation (FIPIC), a grouping developed for cooperation between India and 14 Pacific Island countries on various fronts, including renewable energy, disaster management, and climate change; and leading climate adaptation organizations such as the CDRI, specifically through the dedicated facility for SIDS, IRIS.

CDRI displayed IRIS initiative as a vehicle for enabling resilient and sustainable prosperity of SIDS including update on the first cohort of projects being implemented across 13 SIDS. The Project Awardees of IRIS Second Call for Proposals were also announced by Director General, CDRI accompanied by donor representatives and representatives of SIDS featuring in the second cohort.

Energy Transitions for the Global South: Unleashing the role of solar for the global south, 19.11.2024 (ISA Pavilion)
Organizers: Govt. of India (MoEFCC) and International Solar Alliance (ISA)

The session began with a critical examination of solar energy’s role in addressing the intertwined challenges of energy security and climate change, with a special emphasis on its significance for the Global South. Participants stressed the urgency of hastening the energy transition to bridge developmental disparities while promoting a balance of economic growth, social justice, and environmental sustainability. Solar energy was spotlighted as a cost-effective and adaptable renewable energy source, crucial for breaking the link between economic development and carbon emissions.

Shri Kirti Vardhan Singh, Minister of State for Environment, Forest & Climate Change in India, underscored the pivotal moment facing the global energy landscape. He articulated the pressing need for a swift transition to renewable energy resources to confront the escalating threats posed by climate change and to ensure a stable and secure energy future. The minister’s remarks reflect a global governmental consensus on the importance of moving away from fossil fuels and embracing renewable energy sources such as solar power. This shift is not only imperative for environmental preservation but also for achieving energy independence and ensuring long-term economic stability.

Dr. Ajay Mathur, Director General of the ISA, delved into the potential of burgeoning debt markets in the Global South to attract investment in solar energy projects. The panel discussion yielded several key takeaways, including the acknowledgment of solar energy as a linchpin for the global energy transition, particularly in enhancing energy security, mitigating emissions, and fostering equitable development in the Global South.

The session called for a 20x increase in solar adoption by 2050, aiming to meet over 75% of the world’s grid energy needs.

LeadIT Summit 2024 of members, 20.11.2024 (EU Office)
Organizers: Govt. of India (MoEFCC), Govt. of Sweden, with support from LeadIT Secretariat

The LeadIT Summit, held at the EU Delegation Office, on the sidelines of CoP29, marked the fifth year of the Leadership Group for Industry Transition (LeadIT). This annual event brings together governments, industries, and key stakeholders to discuss industrial low carbon transition, innovation, public-private partnerships, and aligning heavy industry with the Paris Agreement.

The summit was co-chaired by India’s Minister of State for Environment, Forest, and Climate Change, Shri Kriti Vardhan Singh, and Sweden’s Minister for Climate and the Environment, Ms. Romina Pourmokhtari, the Summit underscored the shared commitment of LeadIT’s members.

LeadIT published its first five-year report, outlining its work, successes and impacts so far and its remaining challenges in aligning industry with the Paris Agreement. The report was launched by the Swedish and Indian Environment Ministers at the LeadIT Annual Summit Meeting held at COP29 in Baku.

A keynote address was delivered by Mr. Selwin Hart, Special Adviser to the UN Secretary-General on Climate Action and Just Transition.

A tour de table showcased insights from representatives of countries from United Kingdom, Netherlands, Germany, Ethiopia, Australia, Japan, Finland and the US, alongside Tata Motors, on industrial low carbon transition strategies and commitments.

The Summit concluded with a strong reaffirmation of LeadIT’s pivotal role in uniting diverse stakeholders to accelerate the decarbonization of heavy industries while ensuring a just and inclusive transition aligned with global climate ambitions.

Solarizing Communities through Women-led Climate Action: Strengthening Adaptation, Unlocking Finance and Creating Jobs, 21.11.2024 (ISA Pavillion)
Organizers: Govt. of India (MoEFCC & MNRE), ISA and Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC)

This session intended to bring together leaders from the Global South across governments, civil society and grassroot communities to showcase innovative and successful models of women-led climate-friendly and clean energy solutions. This session will also highlight the need to adopt a more gender-balanced approach across policies, programmes, and global commitments through effective collaboration, capacity building, peer learning and technology and financial support. The Key Note address was given by MoEFCC.

Women-led clean energy adoption at local levels also enhances the adaptive capacities of communities. Switching to cleaner solutions for cooking, electricity, irrigation and meeting other energy needs also helps rural communities better adapt to climate change beyond reaping the emission reduction, health, and other socio-economic benefits.

The recent achievements of India in large scale implementation of renewable energy were highlighted. Also, the initiatives to mainstream the role of women in the developmental journey were talked about.



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